Rachel A. Andreas

Lead Wedding Photographer

My Why:

I truly believe that this is where God has called me. I have "tried" a lot of different jobs and careers and none of them seemed to suit me. Every time I have ended up back here as a full time photographer, and every time I do, it is like breathing fresh air.

How do I do what I Do?

I learned a long time ago that putting people in a place is easy, but creating emotion is harder, yet so much more rewarding. Through my 5 years as a wedding photographer, I have learned to prompt instead of pose, adjust instead of place, and to guide instead of direct. All the while we get to chat about what ever we want. Forewarning... I am obsessed with my dogs.

Hospitality & Teamwork

Hospitality. It is something my family taught me, and I cherish it. Making people feel comfortable, safe, and free to be themselves. And if I see a need, I step up when possible.


Outside of photography, I love adventuring with my husband and besties, watching movies with my pups, editing more photos from my last adventure, eating chocolate or sushi, and learning new things.

Adorned by the golden sunlight and golden rod, a curly haired girl smiles at you.

The Mission

"To show people how beautiful God created them to be,

by capturing fun and authentic images in beautiful ways."

A friend and I went on an adventure through a meadow, just the two of us and my camera. I took some photos of her, ones that really captured her personality, and her adventuring through with bliss and joy. When we were all done we got back to my car and I showed her the pictures. She started crying.

That was the moment back in 2018 that made me stop and reevaluate what I was doing. I have always loved photography, loved playing around with cameras, and capturing moments to remember. That moment made me switch my focus from a hobby to a mission. I wanted every person to be able to see their worth and their beauty, their dignity and their creation. Every person is made in the image of God.

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.”

My Team

Each wedding I carefully select a second photographer who will go with me and help me capture the perfect moments for my couple. If you have anything specific that you want on your wedding day I do my best to make sure that my second shooter's skillset and personality match what we are both looking for.

Most often you will find Darryl, Lauren or Jillian working with me on wedding days.